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1. What did Earth look like when it was a baby?

2. What could have been alive when there was no land?
3. Why are the oceans important?
4. How has the ocean inspired some artists?
5. How are some artists helping the oceans?

Unit Questions:



Tools and Materials:


White Board, Dry Erase Markers,

Computer, Digital Project, Projector Screen

White paper, pencils, oil pastels, crayons

Protection Paper, Dry Rack

Watercolors (blue, green), brushes, water dishes


(see Resources in Ocean section for details and links)

The Magic School Bus: On the Ocean Floor  and/or

The Great Undersea Search

Draw Guides:

Draw Science: Whales, Sharks and Other Sea Creatures

Draw Ocean Animals

Drawing with Children

Fishes of Hawaii


(see Resources: Ocean section and Artists Page: Oceans for details and links)​


Day One (45 minute class periods, we have once a week) 

1. Ask Unit Q #1.

2. Show globe of the world

3. Ask if there is more water or land.

4. Draw a circle on the board, and refer to globe explaining that when round it is a sphere (ask first if anyone knows the term for a 3D circle).

5. Explain that when Earth was very young, scientists believe that it was covered in water (draw water all over your circle on the board)

6. Ask Unit Q #2, then explain that some ocean animals have been around since before dinosaurs and their species (family of animals is still alive)

7. Have students make some guesses


Review the Elements of Shape by Mona Brooks from Drawing with Children 

8. Say the elements of shape you use as you draw them and students guess what you are drawing.  When they guess correctly: Jellyfish, Sea Turtle, Shark, write the word next to the drawing and sound out the word with them.

9. Look at parts of the Books listed here, or other informational ocean books

10. Move from carpet area to desk seats if seating change is an option

10. Ask students Unit Q #3 and have them share answers with their table groups or neighbors, when each table has 3 ideas put their hands in to show they are ready to share. 

11. Discuss their ideas, and inform that over half of all oxygen we breathe come from the ocean, 1 of 6 jobs in the world is related to the ocean (​from ​​​Project Oceanography) and much of our food comes from the oceans (start video at minute one Boat to Belly: Sneak Peek)

12.(If time end of Day One or Day Two after review of student knowledge)-get a protection paper and pencil and raise their hand when they are ready for paper.

13. Students draw along with me, add dots and small circles for algae and plankton, wavy lines and branching wavy lines for plants of vary length, as many or few as they like, draw out using elements of shape as draw: small fish, jelly fish, sharks, sea turtles.  Tell students they can add whatever they want while you play video from a live ocean camera feed courtesy of Monterey Bay Aquarium, I also make draw guides and the reading books of ocean animals available 

Day Two

1. Review student answers for Unit Q 1-3 and ask students if/how the ocean inspires them.  

2. Tell the students you want to show them some artists who love the ocean and when you show them the videos you want the kids to be be detectives and find clues that show the artists love the ocean.  

3. Show Photographs by Amanda Cotton​

Show painting process of Emilio Perez​

​4. Show underwater wheelchair by Sue Austin​

5. Encourage students to share ways they can see the ocean in the artists work, or evidence that the artists care about the ocean.​

6. Ask students how they can show they care about the ocean in their work​

7. Demonstrate adding color crayons and oil pastel to their ocean scene, first following pencil lines, and then filling in edges then middle, to show the shape

8. Students can have five crayons or oil pastels at a time at their desk, but trade for new whenever they like.

Day Three

1. Show underwater sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor

2. Ask the students their opinion of the artworks 

3. Explain how the sculptures will help new coral grow (point out the coral in images and refer to discussion of books read about oceans).

4. Ask students if this will help the ocean. How?

5. Show students the murals of Wyland.

6. Ask their opinion and how they think his work could help the ocean.

7. Have students brainstorm ideas of how they personally could help the oceans, and review why the oceans are important.

8. Show students the Wyland Foundation

9. Discuss the foundation and why it's important for people to help the oceans and how- 

Include: bringing attention to an issue, bring more information to people, donating support in money and action

10.  Demonstrate proper set up for painting, brush use, clean up, dry rack

11. Demo watercolor painting their ocean scene

12. Students paint work

(work goes to classroom teacher where they add writing with the picture using prompts either: What was the Earth like as a baby? or Why are oceans important?)

Day Four​​

1. Review student current knowledge of Unit Questions 1-5 and move into Land Lessons​​​​. (This portion of the unit may take 4-5 days dependent on the group and time period, so give plan for a little extra time especially the first time)

~Through discussion and visual representation students will understand and be able to explain various stages in the Earth's development.
~Students will demonstrate in drawing and  painting some of the earliest ocean animals that predate dinosaurs.

~Students will share in discussion and artwork some of their favorite wonders of nature and habitats.

~Witnessing other artists in video and picture showing their love and support of the nature of Earth, students will brainstorm ways that Art and artists can help the Earth stay healthy.


AK Standards

This lesson section on Ocean life looks at it's part in Early Earth development, it's creatures, importance and needs. 

Students will see artists who care about the ocean and are working to help preserve it's natural beauty and gifts.

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